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Pawsome Behaviour – Dog Behaviour Support

Dog Behavioural Consultancy Service

Paws Plus One is happy to offer a dog behavioural consultancy service.  Chris Martin is an accredited Behaviourist Practitioner through the British College of Canine Studies.   If you would like to discuss any aspect of your dog’s behaviour with Chris, the initial consultation will be free.  Please email [email protected] if you would like to know more.


Different dog breeds have their own unique personalities, but statistics show that some behaviours are common in all breeds and the top behavioural problems as reported by dog owners are:

1. Jumping up
2. Barking
3. Begging for food
4. Jumping on furniture
5. Digging
6. Chewing
7. Showing a fear of noises
8. Being overprotective of family and / or property
9. Escaping


The following behaviours have been reported from referral practices as being the most commonly reported to Behaviourists for help, with aggression and destructive behaviour being the top reasons for giving up a dog.

Dog Behavioural Problems – We can help

Is your dog exhibiting these dog behaviour issues?

1.  Aggression
2. House soiling
3. Destructive behaviour
4. Excitability/unruliness
5. Barking
6. Fears and phobias
7. Submissive behaviour


Contact us today for help and support with your dog’s behaviour!

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