Dog Clothing Helps Allergies – Hotterdog Range

Hotterdog Pet Clothes Protect Against Canine Allergies
Does your pooch suffer with allergies during the summer months or all the time? Dogs suffer with allergies just as much as humans. There are many allergens which can develop into all year round problems for your dog. The most common allergy is grass and pollen. The allergy is not likely to go away so the best thing is to help control the symptoms.
The most obvious symptom is scratching. They will get itchy around the ears, eyes and feet, often between the toes, groin, armpits and anus. The itching will cause them to chew their paws, constant head shaking and face rubbing and bottom scooting. Extreme scratching can cause broken skin and infection and hair loss.
Using the hotterdog t-shirt to help with allergies is a great help to keep the pollen and grass seeds away from your canines tummy. Paws Plus One can supply T-shirt body coats which is 98% cotton and 2% elastane so it fits comfortably for protection.
The T shirt canine clothng is also the perfect garment for pups with rashes, hair loss or for keeping dressings in place after veterinary treatment. In addition, the use of a T-shirt suit from hotterdog clothing is highly recommended by canine behaviourists as a “protective portable hug” to calm a dog when anxiety strikes – for instance during thunderstorms and firework displays and halloween parties!
Top Tips helping To Control Canine Allergy Symptoms
- Keep him off newly cut grass. After walking in the fields, always wash your dog down, particularly his paws.
- Retain your dog indoors during early the morning and evening when the pollen count is high
- Keep bedding clean, using a perfume free detergents
- Use cotton for bedding rather than wool based products.
Antihistamine is safe to give to your dog and vets now regularly prescribe Piriton. Piriton is an anti-histamine which contains chlorphenamine. In humans and dogs, the body will naturally produce a large quantity of histamine as a reaction to an allergy. The immune system works overtime and will start to produce the irritations associated with allergies such as a grass allergy. Chlorphenamine will block this reaction and help ease the symptoms.
Natural Canine Antihistamine
More natural antihistamine benefits have been discovered in Turmeric which has been used as a human supplement for many years. Are there any benefits for dogs? Turmeric is safe in small quantities for dogs and is often listed as an ingredient in dog foods mainly to enhance the colour and flavour. It is not able to provide anti-inflammatory or allergy relief as the quantity used in food is too low. So far it has not been studied as extensively for use in pets as an antihistamine treatment.
Please always consult your vet before giving antihistamine to your dog.
Paws Plus One provides a selection of other dog clothing products please do not hesitate to contacts us on choosing the correct item.